Time travel and magic have been on my mind lately. I find it interesting how once you name yourself, once you speak your wish out loud, you start seeing reflections of that manifestation everywhere. Time travel has been on my mind lately because of the play I’m writing about breaking generational curses, and understanding that it’s not too late to connect with my ancestors. By putting myself in their shoes, and imagining those conversations, they become very much alive. I can hear their voices speaking to me, and I can see how their legacy lives on with me. By telling the story of my Grandfather I didn’t know well but share a name with, memories spark of my other grandfather who I knew and very much enjoyed the time we had together. I need to call my Grandma, I need to write to her, she’s the last grandparent left. The stories I’m putting together of my Grandfather I hardly knew, are coming together, but it’s difficult because it’s been decades since he passed. I need to connect with my Grandma while she’s here, so that I can pass those stories on to the next generation. I’ve been doing a lot of writing, plays, stories, songs, music… this. I’m still figuring out what this is. For those joining now, this is 100 days of writing, here. As I said, I write in many different places, in many different forms, but I want to develop a daily writing practice, I’ve attempted this several times before. This time, I’m going for 100 days, this is number 38, where will I go from here? The answer to that will only be answered by staying consistent. I’m looking forward to seeing what the 50s, and 70s look like… in pages… but sure also in years.


XXXIX (39) Superheroes


XXXVII (37) Better