XXXIX (39) Superheroes
We must become the Superheroes we wish were coming to save us. That’s the thesis of the keynote I’ve been working on, and sort of my working ethos.
But how do we do that? I was listening to a podcast a while back with a wise monk who really resonated with a lot of things I’ve been thinking about lately. He was big in the Tao, something that my friend Cait Cortelyou pointed out sounded a lot like what I was talking about at the time. Tao means the way, and what I love about it is that it isn’t saying that there is one way… and at the same time it is saying that there is a flow that all things are a part of. Kind of like the force. It sounds simple, and it is, but it runs super deep.
This monk, and I’ll have to look him up because I really liked what he was saying on the Finding Mastery podcast, made a point about wanting to meet the enlightened person who was a CEO, or a successful film director, or a great parent, who was able to maintain that ultimate enlightenment. Michael Gervais, the great mental coach and psychologist who hosts Finding Mastery, asked who he had met that was like that, and the answer was that he hasn’t met that person, that person might be impossible. It’s like when you are performing, there are these transcendent moments, but once you realize that you’re having the moment, the moment has passed.
So becoming Superheroes might be aspirational, but how great we will be if we aspire to be the very best versions of ourselves. I aspire to be The Great Storyteller, and I believe that one of my superpowers is being able to see the silver lining in everything. What do you aspire to be? What is exciting to me is that the more we reach for the stars, the more we realize that there is no limit to the skies, the Universe is expanding!