XX (20)
Twenty Days of writing in this blog daily, and about 5 months of writing a new play with The Shelter, and we are 10 days into 2021. This will be the second night of having an additional house guest, Demi, a Yorkie who is less that 1/4 the size of our other two dogs who are not large dogs either at 19 and 27 pounds each. And we’re all adjusting to each other pretty nicely. Demi the Yorkie ended up being fostered by us because the people who were supposed to pick her up didn’t show up, and some friends of ours who work with the rescue group, Waldo’s Rescue Pen, knew that we were in the area and asked if we could help. We love dogs.
So on this 20th day of this 100 day blog, I’m bringing you an entry about the rescue of a little dog named Demi. If you are interested in her, or any of the other dogs available to adopt, check out Waldo’s or any of the many dog rescue’s around New York. Both of our other dogs are rescues, and Fozzy and Arya are great dogs, the best. Being the best doesn’t mean have to diminish others, in fact what it can do is raise the bar for what we think is possible. So let us be the best. I want to show up better, and become known as the great storyteller. Who will you be?