XCIII (93) Too Much?

Yesterday I wrote a post about how sometimes not all of the pieces come together, specifically how sometimes all the cylinders aren’t firing optimally. I also came up with the idea of getting to this writing practice earlier in the day, which I did… technically. I didn’t wait until the end of the day, as in there are still at least a few more hours that I’ll probably turn in for the night. So micro-improvements, but I find those are the best kind, and the cumulative effect can be tremendous.

Today I reflected on another question: Am I trying to do too much? The answer is, sometimes. My mentor said Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. I’d say I’ve been planning, preparing, and implementing a lot over the past 12 months, and also the 2 years preceding those. But I want to do a lot, and so some of it is just gonna take time. As more opportunities come into the equation, the formula for success gets a little more complicated. Yesterday, I felt like I feel flat on my face with something. But I also know that I learned a lot. Failure is one of the best teachers, but the sting of failure still hurts. Especially when you know you could’ve done better. Yet, I do believe I did my best under the circumstances, prioritizing the moment. Somedays are just off. Some things, in fact most things probably don’t go according to plan. That’s why we need plans B through at least E, but probably the more contingencies the better.

What doesn’t kill us, can definitely make us stronger. And if we can step back from the sting and learn our lessons, hopefully we’ll become a whole lot smarter. Am I trying to do too much? No. I’m working on doing what I want to do. The road to getting there will just take patience, time, and a willingness to learn from mistakes and pitfalls. The more we learn, the more we grow. I was feeling kind of blue last night and this morning, I’m feeling stronger now.


XCIV (94) Atomic Shift


XCII (92) Cylinders