XCII (92) Cylinders

As I was getting ready to type today’s entry, I discovered that I never published the one from yesterday. I also didn’t name that one, so that one is just gonna be “91” for now. Just finished “My Octopus Teacher” on Netflix, about the guy who visits the same kelp forest in South Africa everyday for about a year and develops a friendship with an octopus. I think it was also about commiting to a daily practice, seeing it through, and discovering what happens when you do that.

The biggest takeaway for me with this writing practice is just an increased capacity for creativity over time, even though there are days when maybe I’m not “feeling it.” Also, if I’m keeping it real for myself, maybe I’m not “feeling it” because I didn’t get to the writing until later on in the day, and so now it does feel more like a chore. It feels like a chore, because I want to unwind, but I owe my future self these words, so here we are. Tomorrow I can get to it sooner, today I wrote these pages. And met with people, met with some more people, walked with my wife and dogs to the park and a cafe, and then met with some more people.

In the midst of it all, sometimes I feel like some of the cylinders aren’t firing as strong as others, but I wonder if that’s how it goes. We just keep oiling the machine, and honing the cylinders so the whole thing keeps running better and better. It’s best if all the cylinders are firing optimally, but maybe those are those special moments, and we don’t have them all the time? I don’t know. There’s a metaphor there somewhere.

I guess I’m saying keep putting the pieces together as best you can, and understand that things are always gonna be shifting and moving. Sometimes things will line up perfectly, and if you’ve been working on the pieces, the magic will happen.

….I’m going to bed. Good night.


XCIII (93) Too Much?


XCI (91)