VIII (V-8?)
I was gonna make a V8/ Roman numeral joke… but it didn’t add up! (thank you, thank you.)
Not my best material, but maybe there is something to build on. I also realized that I needed to check in on how Roman numerals stack up after 100. Got it, there are plenty of charts on the web. Also, the highest Roman numeral is 3,999, but upon further research there are ways to go higher using the vinculum… but I’ll leave this link here if you want to read more about numbers and how to convert them.
3,999 or MMMCMXCIX is a long ways away, and I have to get to 100 or C first, and I can deal with the vinculum or other forms of numbers when I when I reach that equation. There are also plenty of online converters available via the web, I use them often to understand what my wife, who is from Amsterdam, is talking about when describing the weather in celsius or measurements in metric terms.
I wonder if there is a numerical symbol for words? Meaning, Roman numerals are both letters and characters, is there a mathematical representation for the concept of a word? I’ve thought about naming this blog Third’s Words, or III’s (insert word symbol here), if anybody has any ideas about this, please let me know. This is going to be a rabbit hole I’m venturing into today, hopefully my brain won’t break today so that I can come back and write IX tomorrow.