Better late than never, but I sure would save myself some stress by not waiting until the last minute. Here we are.
Seven out of 100 entries that I’m committing to, and if successful, hopefully I’ll do 265 or 266 more. Is 2021 a leap year? Was 2020 a gap year? 2020 was a year to remember for sure, an unprecedented year for most people living now. I’ve never been a fan of writing off the previous year, because no matter how hard that year was, it brought you here, reading these words right now. And I’m glad that whenever and wherever you are reading this, to be able to share this moment with you. Maybe it’s me 100 days from now looking back. Maybe it’s a new friend or a complete stranger. Whoever you are, thank you for being here.
One of the biggest epiphanies of this whole pandemic, is the realization of how much we really need each other. We are social creatures. How lucky we are to experience something like this in this time when we can connect to people anywhere across the globe. I know that Zoom is no replacement for in-person communication, but it has it’s own merits. Connections and innovations have been happening that we won’t fully realize for a decade. The world has changed.
As 2020 comes to a close, let’s remember the good things that happened this year. It’s important to not ignore what needs to be changed, the wrongs that have been done, but it’s crucial for our collective mental health to be thankful for what we do have. Even if that means being aware of what needs to change. I want for us to aspire to be the Superheroes we wish were coming to save us. And right now, I feel far away from that, but I know that showing up here, everyday, for 100 days, will get me closer to the version of myself that I want to be.
How can you show up consistently? You can start with three days, then a week, and go from there. If you break a streak, start again. Today is always the best day, and now is always the best time, I heard recently that tomorrow is usually the busiest day of the week.