LXXXVIII (88) Clichés
It’s been some cold days, but things are warming up. I had a conversation today where I talked about clichés, and that they exist for a reason. The thing about them is, they’re usually true, or at least follow a pattern that is usually true, and for good reason. “The Sun will come out tomorrow,” well I certainly hope so. And if it’s a rainy day, it will make us appreciate the sunny ones more.
Okay, for a second there, I thought I was going to go down a whole rabbit hole, but I got annoyed with that as soon as I started.
What I’m saying is, nothing is new under the Sun… I promise I’m not doing that.
Okay, every story has been told… in Linklater’s “Waking Life” somebody talked about the idea that there is only one story, this story, and we’re all telling it in our own way. But sometimes we feel like we don’t have permission to tell our story, because it sounds like something that somebody has already said or done. Yet there’s only been one of us that can tell the story in our own unique way.
So tell your story. Somebody needs to hear what you have to say. Even if you’re afraid that it’s too cliché.