LXXXIX (89) Toxic Whiteness
White supremacy is the biggest form of terrorism the world has ever known.
Even writing those words feels extreme, but it’s just the plain facts. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn’t exist.” I’m not saying all white people are the devil, but just going off of our history for the past 500 years the Devil would show his true colors with blonde hair and blue eyes. Look at what that “idealization/normalization” cost in Germany, look at how that toxic thinking turned a brown skinned nomadic rabbi into a blue eyed image.
And then these cowards have the audacity to get offended when somebody like me realizes I can’t write it more clearly.
The problem isn’t “white people bad,” “everybody else good.” No the problem is the idea that white is right and the rest of the world who isn’t straight, white and male is some how less than. But that is the reality. Domestic white male terrorists get treated with more dignity than law-abiding BIPOC people in this country who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
We’re not trying to erase white people, we’re just trying to tear down the notion of supremacy, because it’s the biggest lie. The truth of it is what white people have been historically good at is using violence and warfare to oppress, and we are tired of feeling the boot, so we’re standing up. White supremacy will end, because at the end of the day, we are actually all members of the human race. As the rest of us gain equal footing, some people feel like they’re losing ground, but there’s room at the table for everybody, we just demand to be treated with respect.
The good news is that the more people interact with people outside of their own experience, the more their perspectives shift. I love the diversity of new york, and that the unwritten credo is live and let live. That’s all we’re asking for. Stop killing Asian people. Stop killing black people. Get those babies out of the cages and back with their families. And start acknowledging that everybody, every culture, every single person on this planet is valuable, and that we the people demand that everybody be treated fairly and with dignity.