LXXXV (85) “Grow”
The author Steven Pressfield of “The War of Art” was on the Tim Ferriss Podcast recently and he shared a quote that I’ve heard before from the Talmund : Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.'
Ooh, another quote I’ll share… which I’ll confess, I saw because I checked my facebook on my desktop is:
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ~ Anaïs Nin
Sidebar, download newsfeed eradicator on your computer if you want to try to minimize the mindless scroll that we get trapped in. It will at least start you off with a meaningful quote.
These two quotes are speaking to me today because one of the mindful communities that I’m in, Parallel Path with Lili Torre, had a discussion this morning about inputs and outputs. How to find the balance between what we’re putting in, and what we’re putting out. For me it comes down to doing that which makes me grow, and understanding that on some days that might be rest and recovery. It also means understanding that the flow of the universe is growth. At least in this moment in time, the universe is expanding, and that’s the direction it wants us to go.
Expand. What does that mean to you? For me it means stretching myself in order to learn new things, and grow my current capabilities. It means allowing myself to believe that more is possible than what’s happened before, and doing things that help me stay in growth mindset. Being mindful about who I spend my time with, and understanding that opening myself up to possible criticism will make me stronger, as long as I don’t let criticism dampen my belief.
There are times when it may feel like the world isn’t responding the way you want, like you’re not seeing the fruits of your labors. That doesn’t mean that you should stop planting seeds and learning how to better tend your garden. Actually it’s the best time. When you feel alone, why not read, or better yet, meditate. How is your fitness? Physical, mental, and spiritual. We are all on this solitary journey together. Relationships and community can be magical, but the foundation of any relationship starts with the one you have with your self. The relationship you have with your self is the one constant relationship that you will ever have, so learn how to make that the healthiest.
Do what makes you grow, only you know what that is. If you don’t know, start paying attention to what lights you up, and do more of that. If you are like me, an artist or a changemaker, and you want to create things and share them with the world. Don’t let fear stop you from sharing your story. By sharing your story, you will get better at sharing your story. By sharing your story, you may give somebody else the courage to start sharing theirs. And then we all grow, just like the Universe. Expanding.