LXXXIV (84) 2nd Dose
But it’s not that bad. We just received our second round of the Moderna vaccine yesterday evening, and today I’m feeling the phantom fever symptoms. The aches, pains, and lethargy with absolutely no cold like symptoms.
It is worth it. While I very much have enjoyed this year of reflection, I am eager to be back onto theatres and sets sooner than later, and the way forward is to get vaccinated.
Yes, there are some mild side-effects, but nothing compared with the worst effects of the CoVid-19 virus. Or even worse, passing the virus on to somebody else who is immunocompromised.
So please, get the vaccine as soon as you can. There may be some minor side-effects for 24 hours, but in return we’ll all feel much better knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I look forward to meeting all of the people that we’ve become.