CVIII (108) The Voice

I saw a quote today that says, “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice” -Peggy O’Mara

About a month ago I started a job working for a company called Chess At Three which uses storytelling to teach kids, as young as 3, chess. I’m currently teaching about 15 kids, including some group classes. So learning how to be an effective, positive influence on young minds has been on my mind. As I continue to learn and grow myself, I try to be more mindful of my thoughts. The last few weeks I was feeling a little down, and then I was getting down on myself for feeling down, because… “why was this happening to me?” I’ve been meditating, writing, doing mantra work, maybe I could do more, but overall I’ve been working mindfully, so why me?

I’m mostly through the fog now, and it was a great opportunity to practice something else I’ve been working on; grace. If I were a child, going through a rough patch for whatever reason, how would I talk to that child? When we talk to ourselves, maybe we should remember our inner child, and be graceful to ourselves. Sometimes we’re gonna have dark days, even while we focus on the sunny side of life, and that is okay. Grace, I’m learning what that means. To me it goes back to the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And also remember to reflect that kindness back towards yourself, so that your interactions with others are that much brighter. We can build ourselves up, by building ourselves up. I think Karma is a circle not a yo-yo, that’s why if we’re not careful we can spiral downwards. So let’s circle up… and take flight.


CIX (109) Spring Cleaning


CVII (107) Ram Dass