CVII (107) Ram Dass

On the DTFH, the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Ram Dass comes up a lot, and now I’m seeing him pop up everywhere. I’m realizing that he was also the author of a book called “Be Here Now” that somebody was trying to hip me to back in the day. I didn’t read it then, the title alone was the message I needed at the time.

A lot of time back then was spent dwelling on what might come to pass, and if I could have done something different back then. They say we need to learn our lessons over and over again until we get them and transcend and ultimately ascend. These lessons are hitting differently now, and are coming back around. Ram Dass came up in my sides for an audition, and so I downloaded his talks about the Bhagavad Gita, another text that I haven’t read yet. I read the Ramayana in high school, but never got around to this other great text.

I’m thinking about starting a reading group called the good books, because in the opening recordings of this Ram Dass lecture series he suggests that people read that classic text. He also says that you can’t mess up teaching it, because the Gita will teach itself. This got me thinking. I’ve been involved in a number of book clubs, and I’m hungry for more. I’d like to focus on some of these ancient texts, starting with this one, since it sounds like I can’t mess it up. So if I started a book club, would you like to join? Let me know. I’ll put the word out. I’m thinking of calling it The Good Books. Holler at a scholar.


CVIII (108) The Voice


CVI (106) 8 Limbs