XXXVI (36) Small World
It really is a small world, and it’s also definitely round. What goes around comes around, and we are connected more than we realize. It’s easy for things to feel like they don’t matter, like what we do and say exists in some kind of vacuum. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, there is no void, the things you do and say matter. At least 3, but probably 10 things reminded me of the invisible thread today. The thing to know is that we don’t always get to see how things connect right away, but just because you can’t see the connection right now, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. So do and speak the things you want to see and be. Words and ideas are powerful things, but to harness their potential, you have to bring them into the world. That dream you have? See it, speak it, build it, and do the things that the person you want to be would do, and that’s who you will become.