XXIX (29) Show Up
For several minutes there, I was worried that I wasn’t gonna get my writing in today. My computer is running slower and slower these days… it’s a real drag… do you see what I did there?
So everybody is waiting on noon tomorrow, if we’ve learned anything this year, this past week, every single day, it’s that we can’t take anything for granted. We can’t take for granted the people that we have in our life, our health, our job security, time, and of course our very lives. So hopefully we take a new found appreciation for all that we have and make the most of the time we have left.
Something that’s been on my mind lately is the question of, how much am I holding back? If we are honest with ourselves, most of us know that we have an extra 10% of effort that we’re not putting in. If we’re extra honest, the truth is the percentage that we’re not putting in may be way bigger. The effort that I’m referring to is in pursuit of what it is we say we really want, our hopes and dreams. My mantra for the year is “Show Up.” When we are employed by other people, we show up for our employers, and we try to do a good job, otherwise we probably won’t be able to keep that job for very long. Are we showing up for ourselves? And are we putting in at least as much effort for ourselves and what we say we want to do as we would for our jobs?
The honest answer for me, is no. And I bet most people who answer yes to those questions, probably know that there is more that we can do. So show up, meaning show up for yourself and the things that you want to do, and actually try to put in at least 10% more effort. I bet we’ll find that there is a whole reserve of untapped potential that we’re not even scratching the surface of. I want to see what happens when we show up, really start tapping in, and share what we find with the world.