XV (15) Scarcity Trap
What if the well runs dry?
We who have access to clean water should remember to add that to the gratitude lists we’ve started in 2021. It’s been said that toasting with water is bad luck. I’m not the most superstitious person in the world, but I’ve been known to knock on wood, and throw some salt over my shoulder from time to time, I’m not taking any chances! Better safe than sorry! That said, water is probably our most valuable resource, after time. So how could toasting to something so precious ever be considered bad luck? May we all have access to clean water, and let us support those organizations and people that are doing the work of getting it to those without.
When we do have it, when our well isn’t dry, may we drink from it. It doesn’t serve anybody to not use the resources that we have. Sometimes we don’t realize the value that we have, you might be sitting on an untapped goldmine! But if we know, if we are aware of our blessings, the things that light us up, the gifts we were born with or discovered, we owe it to ourselves and the world to use those resources. And usually by going to the well, and sharing generously, the well is replenished. Let us not be afraid to tap from the well, while we have the chance. Let us go to the well, take care of the well, and share our resources with each other. By ignoring the well, it could go dry without us knowing it. But if we live generously, and connect with our wells, we don’t have to live in fear of ours running dry, because others can replenish ours in our time of need.
In other words, don’t lose the opportunity of today, by worrying about the sorrows of tomorrow.