XCVI (96) Back

Forward, March. As we slowly get more and more vaccinated, and the long winter thaws, we find things getting back to some kind of normal. We can never go back. Things will never be the same as they were before, hopefully. My guess is that things will look a lot like they did before, but a lot of us have seen behind the veil and see the illusion for what it is.

Nothing is promised, nothing is owed, and time is precious. Life, community, and the things that we do and say while we’re here are priceless. We may never pass this way again. I like to believe in the multiverse, the many worlds, and that this has all happened before. I like to think that we only get one version of this life, but that we play it over again as a different incarnation over and over again until we ascend. Ascend to where?

I’ve seen part of it in what I would now call an astral projection that I had when I was 13, back then I called it a vision. I definitely went up and way out into the vastness of the Universe, and for the first time since learning that I wasn’t gonna live forever, felt some peace with my existential crisis. That was definitely what I experienced, and what is reality but what we experience? I felt like I was part of the vast Universe and that love was the guiding principle connecting all things, the light. You are part of the vast, expansive Universe, even if you can’t see it right now. I did a vision quest about 7 years ago and saw the light within the light, the matrix of light that bonds all things seen and unseen. As Nathan Ramos said years ago in the LTOB Seattle, “Walls are breathing. Walls are illusions.” I’ve seen evidence of that over and over again.

And now the Pandemic of 2020, the revelation of the mind and time. The best year of my life until this one, the great reset, the breath, the cosmic shift. Did everything change? That depends. If you did, then yes, your whole world changed, and the level of that change depends on how much you are able to let go and let in. “Let it in, let it in!” It changed for all of us, but some will cling to the decaying structures of the past, and will wage war to try to fortify their false sense of security. But we don’t have to participate in that war, we can step out of that, and play at a higher vibration. What is for Caesar, let it be for Caesar. What’s for us, is what we name. Speak life. It’s precious, and you only have one. At least this time around.


XCVII (97) Dips


XCV (95) Tell It