XII 365 Days Sober

So, a year ago I stopped drinking alcohol. It was a decision a long time in the making. People that know me from the music and bar scene in New York probably knew both Alec the drinker, and Alec the guy who regularly took months off from it. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was a lot of fun, but it was not without a lot of consequences, the biggest one being the time that I can’t get back. One of my favorite I Am The Third songs, “Can You Feel It,” had the lyrics,

“James Brown, funky. Sexy, yet chunky. Always been my own man, never been a flunky. Weed hella skunky, brown liquor, junkie. I be wil’in’ out man, ape sh*t, like a monkey. Tarzan man, MaryJane in my my had. People look at me, and they start to understand. I was simply born to walk the Earth as I Am, The Third I Am, The Third, I Am!”

Well it’s true, we are born to walk the Earth as we are, and who we were made us who we are right now. So, the question is which direction are we walking today? Not limited by where we’ve been yesterday, we have to ask where we want to go now. What do we want to do with the time we have left? And what is the Universe trying to tell us? We speak to the mysteries of life with our thoughts and actions, and by what we do and what happens, the mysteries talk back, we just have to listen. Let’s climb to new elevations so that we can gain new perspectives to share with the world.

Something was screaming at me for a while, stop drinking! But I wasn’t listening. Then the voices started communicating in a different way, and I finally received the message. My message to whoever needs to hear it, is listen to forces that are trying to guide you to your truth. You can fight who you are, but you will never win. What works or doesn’t work for me, may be similar of very different for you. Take what works, and leave the rest. We all have unique, and singularly important paths. Sobriety for me means clarity, and clarity is the biggest gift I received from 2020. 2021 I’m focusing on Faith, Being Present, and deepening my Empathy and Openness, in other words tearing down the walls I’ve built up in my heart, and working hard not to construct new ones. The designing and construction I want to be involved with deals with connection, not separation. Build bridges, not walls.


XIII Break The Curse


XI 2021- The First Day