I started off yesterday with the first of what I hope will be 100 days of writing. Yesterday was the ice breaker in a practice of daily writing that I’ve had off and on, at different stages, sporadically in my life. Be it morning pages, which I was introduced to in the book The Artist’s Way, or periods when I was writing plays, poetry or music, or times like these when I’m doing a combination of all of those things.
This idea of writing in a blog everyday, I got from Seth Godin (who has a new book out called The Practice), and started kind of the trial run last summer (2019) on Medium under the Bushwick Variety Show moniker. I had some streaks, but ultimately did not keep up with it. However my writing, and creative output in general has been way up from a year ago, so the exercise was successful in overall life improvements, even though the exercise itself was sort of a failure.
Which is a theme that I’ll come back to, over and over again. Failure is necessary for growth. The key is that we have to keep moving forward. When we want to improve our fitness, grow our muscles, literally and figuratively, in some ways we have to work them to failure, and then recover. In the recovery is the growth. There is a fine line there, we need to be open to a certain amount of risk to allow room for opportunities, but that doesn’t mean we go all in with an empty hand. But we do have to risk going all in. And yes, there will be times when we feel stuck, I’ve been feeling that lately with S.A.D. and Covid, but sometimes slowing down is what we need, because sometimes we forget to rest and recover, and then we’re forced to. And then we get up, and get back in gear again, maybe we find a new gear or lane that we never knew was available.
So that’s what this blog is going to be about. It’s about striving to go all in, day after day, post after post. I’m proud of some of what’s happened before, but I am certain that I’m only scratching the surface of what is possible, and I believe that is the case for most of us. We need to strive to be the Superheroes we wish were coming to save us.
This blog, if you choose to read along, will be about sharing good ideas and resources I come across, exploring new and old ideas, victories and failures (I believe failures are opportunities for growth), and it’s about growing as a writer, in real time, by writing.