LXXXII (82) The Flow

“Something in the way of things.” -Amiri Baraka

There is something in the way of things, sometimes it’s the boundaries that we come across, but sometimes those boundaries are the key to our liberation.

I used to think that things happened for a reason, and then for quite a while I thought it was all random, so we might as well party.

Now, I have come full circle. There is something in the way of things has a double meaning. When I heard that poem before, recorded on the Phrenology album by The Roots, I only heard the negative side of it. That part is definitely there, but it also tells me, that there is a way to things. There is something in the way of things, and there is a way to how things work. A lot of times we are the thing in our own way, because we are fighting against the way of things, fighting against our higher selves. Sometimes we are choosing the darkness, but there are still angel wings hovering over each one of us blades of grass saying “grow.” And the universe is gonna keep expanding, for now, so we might as well go with the flow.

If you feel like the river won’t flow, you just have to learn how to adjust what your seeing, and catch the wave. The water is warm in here, and it runs deep. There are rapids, but there are a bunch of us here waiting to throw you a raft, but you gotta jump in first. I’m waiting on my ship to come in, but until then, I’m enjoying and appreciating my raft. When I jumped in the water, it was scary at first, but I was thrown a lot of life preservers from many other travellers, and even though I on my fantastic voyage now, I’m still getting help from others travellers on the journey as we sail towards deeper waters.

So jump in. I stayed on the shore for a lot longer than I had to. I’m grateful I have this time now, and I don’t take the time I have left for granted. So jump in while you can. It’s neither too late, nor too early. You are right on time, so catch the wave.


LXXXIII (83) Vantage Points Along The Way


LXXXI (81) A Year