LXII (62)

Listen. I need to listen more. I want to get the '“umms”, “ahhs”, and “likes” out of my speech pattern, but mostly I want to learn how to listen better.

One day at a time.

Speaking of time, did I mention that it’s time for me to get a new computer? This one is on borrowed time. It’s past time I got a new one. I am grateful for what I’ve done with this one over time, but I look forward to having one that doesn’t take 30 minutes to wake up every time I go to use it, robbing me of my precious time.

Still, I am grateful that my time problem is solvable, and in the scheme of things isn’t so bad at all. I am excited for this time right now, I just want to use my time better while I’m fortunate enough to have it.


LXIII (63) Brag Better


LXI (61) The Greatest