CLXVII (167) Well…
So, the last one was called pause…
And that’s what happened.
I took a break.
A break from this, a break from the podcast, a break from some projects.
Because with the world opening back up. With me starting the dream job I never knew I wanted and didn’t know existed before this year.
I’ve had to learn how to manage time all over again.
The world we knew ended in March of 2020.
It’ll never be the same again.
And I for one want to keep getting better.
Keep doing better.
Keep learning, growing.
But also remembering.
We are exactly where we are supposed to be right now.
Where we are doesn’t have to define where we’re gonna go.
Where we’ve been doesn’t limit the ways that we can grow.
So let’s go.
And remember it’s okay to take it slow.
Rushing doesn’t always mean we get there any quicker.
Savor the moment.
Be grateful for what you have right now.
And trust that you are in the perfect position right now,
To manifest your wildest dreams.
You might not even know what they are right now.
Just keep doing what lights you up, and keep learning how to share your light with every person you meet.
And thank you for having this generous exchange with me.
Namaste, Amen, and Bless you in whichever tradition or practice you believe in.